Build Private Chains

Why Build Private Chain

Private block chains can be tailored to the specific cases of enterprises and their partners, using transparent mechanisms to build trust and improve efficiency.

Private block chain is aimed at users in single entity, or users in the same industry alliance, they need transparency between each other, but they need not be transparent to the public.

Private chain can also be used to simulate testing work. Reduce the difficulty by modifying the source code, you can quickly start from the origin of the chain to mining to get rich. With ETPs in hand you can then test the various types of API interface, such as creating / issue assets, send ETP, use multi signature and so on.

Of course, you can also implement a more practical private chain with your own needs.

The following is the way to build the private chain.

How To Build Private Chain

1. Get the Wallet Software

You can build MVS Wallet from the source code

Build on windows

Build on Macosx

Build on Linux

off course, you can alse download MVS Wallet binary and setup it directly

Windows setup

Macosx setup

Linux setup

2. Modify Config Options

For configuration Options, you can see Config Options

With reference to the above document, we can build private chains based on Metaverse by setting configuration files without the need to change the code.

By modifying the identifier, we can implement different blockchain instances.
Developers don’t have to be worried even it runs in the main network mode, because block generation speed is very fast and they can use the CPU to continue mining test.

Build Private Chain needs run at least two mvsd to get consensus. You’d better run each of them on different computer。NOTE: the computer should be connectable through network

The Config files are as the following:

Config file 1:

identifier = 1234567890
self =
seed =

log_level = DEBUG
mongoose_listen =
websocket_listen =

Config file 2:

identifier = 1234567890
self =
seed =

log_level = DEBUG
mongoose_listen =
websocket_listen =

NOTE: the two Config files use a same identifier, and set its seed to the other one.

3. Run mvsd to verify

Firstly,Because the configuration file is customized, we need to place it at the default location to make it effective (if the directory does not exist then create it):

Windows : %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Metaverse
Apple OSX : ~/Library/Application\ Support/Metaverse
Linux/Uinx: ~/.metaverse

Then,run mvsd separately on each computer


The output is something like the following:

20180124T130912 INFO [server] mvsd version 0.7.3
20180124T130912 INFO [server] ================= startup ==================
20180124T130912 ERROR [server] ================= startup ==================
20180124T130912 FATAL [server] ================= startup ==================
20180124T130912 INFO [server] Using config file: "/home/jowen/.metaverse/mvs.conf"
20180124T130912 INFO [server] Please wait while the server is starting...
20180124T130912 INFO [node] Starting manual session.
20180124T130912 INFO [server] Seeding is complete.
20180124T130912 INFO [http] Http Service listen on
20180124T130912 INFO [MONGO] Websocket Service listen on
20180124T130912 INFO [node] Node start height is (0).
20180124T130912 INFO [node] Starting inbound session.
20180124T130912 INFO [node] Starting outbound session.
20180124T130912 INFO [server] Bound public query service to tcp://*:9091
20180124T130912 INFO [server] Server is started.

4. Execute the client command or request

At this point, the private chain has been completed.

You can call APIs through JSON-RPC or mvs-cli.

You can also add more computers to participate the private chain, as long as the self, identifier and seed is setted rightly in each Config file.

The Follwing is some simple examples of API calling, aims to verify the normal state of the private chain.

For more information about APIs Interface, please see Command Line Usage and API v2 Usage

Get the version information:

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ ./mvs-cli getinfo
"database-version" : "0.6.2",
"difficulty" : "1",
"hash-rate" : 0,
"height" : 0,
"is-mining" : false,
"network-assets-count" : 0,
"peers" : 2,
"protocol-version" : 70012,
"testnet" : false,
"wallet-account-count" : 1,
"wallet-version" : "0.7.3"

Get peer information(If no peer exist, that maybe a configuration or network problem):

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ ./mvs-cli getpeerinfo
"peers" :

Create account:

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ ./mvs-cli getnewaccount test1 passwd1
"default-address" : "MAGRQAbQj2uZMfChXqgpJoXwCkDgfw9ZK1",
"mnemonic" : "discover glance limit similar stable comic patient protect media correct sorry capital object foil noise ill beauty teach hole monster half banana enforce lion"

Start mining to make money:

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ ./mvs-cli startmining test1 passwd1
solo mining started at MKWjVNAGSDjhQmUW9VUwcBNGTscYozNopJ

Get the block height(here I use JSON-RPC):
We can judge from the zero result that this is a pure private chain just inited

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getheight","params":[],"id":25}'
"id" : 25,
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : 0

Wait some minutes and get get the block height again:
If the result height is not zero now, it means I have succeedded some mining.(NOTE: the mining work needs time, and the validating block work still needs time, so you may wait more longer)
In order to increase the mining speed, you can decrease the difficulty of mining by modifying source code. This is useful in some situation, like testing Interfaces etc.

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getheight","params":[],"id":25}'
"id" : 25,
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : 29999

OK, when your money is enough, you can use stopmining to stop mining.
Stop mining may also need a long time.

[jowen@JOWEN bin]$ ./mvs-cli startmining test1 passwd1

And, now you can do more APIs calling which you are intersted in.
Wish you a good feeling about Metaverse Wallet.