Info: Runs a full metaverse node in the global peer-to-peer network.
Options (named):
-D [--datadir] Specify mvsd workspace path. -c [--config] Specify path to a configuration settings file based on path ~/.metaverse -d [--daemon] Run in daemon mode (unix/apple). -h [--help] Display command line options. -i [--initchain] Initialize blockchain in the configured directory. -s [--settings] Display all configuration settings. -t [--testnet] Use testnet rules for determination of work required, defaults to false. -v [--version] Display version information.
Start with the daemon process
mvsd -d
Start with the test network mode
mvsd -t
Get the mvsd version
mvsd -v
Check out mvsd’s help information
mvsd -h
Specify database path
mvsd -D D:\MVS\ChainData\Metaverse
Specify path to a configuration settings file
based on path ~/.metaverse
mvsd -c
Initialize blockchain in the configured directory
mvsd -i
Display all configuration settings
mvsd -s
mvs-cli usage
Obviously, Use help to get all commands(methods) list.
$ ./mvs-cli help $ ./mvs-cli help$command or ./mvs-cli $command -h
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -l [--language] Options are 'en', 'es', 'ja', 'zh_Hans', 'zh_Hant' and 'any', defaults to 'en'.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.
Arguments (positional):
PAYMENT_ADDRESS Valid payment address. If not specified the address is read from STDIN.
Usage: mvs-cli importaccount [-h] --accountname value --password value [--hd_index value] [--language value] WORD
Info: importaccount
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -i [--hd_index] Teh HD index for the account. -l [--language] The language identifier of the dictionary of the mnemonic. Options are 'en', 'es', 'ja', 'zh_Hans', 'zh_Hant' and 'any', defaults to 'any'. -n [--accountname] Account name required. -p [--password] Account password(authorization) required.
Arguments (positional):
WORD The set of words that that make up the mnemonic. If not specified the words are read from STDIN.
Usage: mvs-cli importkeyfile [-h] FILE
Info: importkeyfile
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. LASTWORD The last word of your master private-key phrase. DESTINATION The keyfile storage path to.
Info: List balance details of each address of this account. defaults show non-zero unspent address.
Options (named):
-g [--greater_equal] Greater than ETP bits. -h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -l [--lesser_equal] Lesser than ETP bits. -n [--nozero] Defaults to true.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
Info: Deposit some etp, then get reward for frozen some etp.
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -a [--address] The deposit target address. -d [--deposit] Deposits support [7, 30, 90, 182, 365] days. defaluts to 7 days -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 ETP bits
Info: send etp to a targert address, mychange goes to another existed address of this account.
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 etp bits -m [--memo] Attached memo for this transaction.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. TOADDRESS Send to this address AMOUNT ETP integer bits.
Info: send etp from a specified address of this account to target address, mychange goes to from_address.
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 ETP bits -m [--memo] The memo to descript transaction
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. FROMADDRESS Send from this address TOADDRESS Send to this address AMOUNT ETP integer bits.
Info: send etp to multi target addresses, must specify mychange address. Eg: [sendmore $name $password -r $address1:$amount1 -r $address2:$amount2 -m $mychange_address]
Options (named):
-h [--help] Send to more target. -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 ETP bits -m [--mychange] Mychange to this address -r [--receivers] Send to [address:etp_bits].
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
Usage: mvs-cli gettx [-h] HASH [JSON]
Info: gettx alias as fetch-tx/gettransaction
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.
Arguments (positional):
JSON Json/Raw format, default is '--json=true'. HASH The Base16 transaction hash of the transaction to get. If not specified the transaction hash is read from STDIN.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -a [--address] Address. -e [--height] Get tx according height eg: -e start-height:end-height will return tx between [start-height, end-height) -i [--index] Page index. -l [--limit] Transaction count per page. -s [--symbol] Asset symbol.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
Usage: mvs-cli createasset [-h] --symbol value --volume value [--description value] [--issuer value] [--decimalnumber value] ACCOUNTNAME ACCOUNTAUTH
Info: createasset
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -d [--description] The asset description. -i [--issuer] The asset issuer.defaults to account name. -n [--decimalnumber] The asset amount decimal number. -s [--symbol] The asset symbol/name. Global unique. -v [--volume] The asset maximum supply volume.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
Usage: mvs-cli deletelocalasset [-h] --symbol value ACCOUNTNAME ACCOUNTAUTH
Info: deletelocalasset
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -s [--symbol] The asset symbol/name. Global unique.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 ETP bits
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. FROMADDRESS From address TOADDRESS Target address SYMBOL Asset symbol AMOUNT Asset integer bits. see asset <decimal_number>.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 ETP bits
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. FROMADDRESS Send from this address TOADDRESS Send to this address AMOUNT ETP integer bits.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. ADDRESS The multisig script corresponding address.
Usage: mvs-cli getnewmultisig [-h] --signaturenum value --publickeynum value --selfpublickey value [--description value] [--publickey value] ACCOUNTNAME ACCOUNTAUTH
Info: getnewmultisig
Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -d [--description] multisig record description. -k [--publickey] cosigner public key used for multisig -m [--signaturenum] Account multisig signature number. -n [--publickeynum] Account multisig public key number. -s [--selfpublickey] the public key belongs to this account.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -b [--broadcast] Broadcast the tx if it is fullly signed.
Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required. TRANSACTION The input Base16 transaction to sign.
Usage: mvs-cli createrawtx [-h] --receivers value --senders value --type value [--deposit value] [--fee value] [--message value] [--mychange value] [--symbol value]
Info: createrawtx
Options (named):
-d [--deposit] Deposits support [7, 30, 90, 182, 365] days. defaluts to 7 days -f [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 ETP bits -h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command. -i [--message] Message/Information attached to this transaction -m [--mychange] Mychange to this address, includes etp and asset change -n [--symbol] asset name, not specify this option for etp tx -r [--receivers] Send to [address:amount]. amount is asset number if sybol option specified -s [--senders] Send from addresses -t [--type] Transaction type. 0 -- transfer etp, 1 -- deposit etp, 3 -- transfer asset, 6 -- just only send message