Transfer MIT


This is mainly about register MIT command line operation, and other commands can be referred to Command-line.

First, you need an account and a did. You can use "mvs-cli getnewaccount accountname password" and "mvs-cli issuedid accountname password address did" to generate a new account and a new did.

For convenience, I’ll uniformly use Alice as account name, passwd1 as password, Alice as did, and use testing addresses in the following examples. When you refer to the following examples, please change to your account name, password and did, and pay attention to the correct addresses.

With an account, if you want to issue or send an asset, you have to make sure that there is enough ETP in the account to pay fees. You can use "mvs-cli getbalance account_name password" to get the total balance of the account. You can also use "mvs-cli listbalances account_name password" to list the balance of each address in the account.

You can use help to get the help information of each command. For eaxmple, use "mvs-cli help registermit" or "mvs-cli registermit -h" to get the help information of registermit command.

Transfer MIT

Command: transfermit

mvs-cli transfermit [-h] [--fee value] ACCOUNTNAME ACCOUNTAUTH

Options (named):
-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.
-f [--fee] The fee of tx. default_value 0.0001 etp.

Arguments (positional):
ACCOUNTNAME Account name required.
ACCOUNTAUTH Account password(authorization) required.
TODID To DID required, multi-sign DID is supported.
SYMBOL MIT identifier required.

Example:Account Alice transfers MIT named Alice@MIT to DID Bob

$ ./mvs-cli transfermit Alice passwd1 Bob Alice@MIT

"transaction" :
"hash" : "4fe272acccf0dae96ca71fc34350bbc425588725ef9224b23447cca57b86be60",
"inputs" :
"address" : "MH257NnjBJZNAy258c4bjVVkFB8phMFqtY",
"previous_output" :
"hash" : "6e34003a72537c7f0f8802c962ecb6c6660a581bfd34ba9e4e1132492b5cdd80",
"index" : 0
"script" : "[ 304402203b281aed68b352d07fec303ac8baef47c4020edbeaa5a35ba146ba33d2e9c54c02202fb08aa2c1f3c0dda914a3c4f1630bbd795686690bec955475fef39283c78d2f01 ] [ 030848a4429c900e09159b39993e3edf6df1a4302d28d3a2af78a343042d7a8b5e ]",
"sequence" : 4294967295
"address" : "MJevGQHGwKQGNpeJF1vDxBawxKoRZMqsRz",
"previous_output" :
"hash" : "9d52158296a9e33b49dcd0f9ceee26c8f2356f1486dc0d9a56ea49a1dd0d97e3",
"index" : 0
"script" : "[ 304402200b8c33403b6cd72e086ebea2335812351fcb268421dffb9322f6e133518c393602202376aa29f4803150ed60a86984a0956e299f15a53f698bfcedd484ba2f722c1a01 ] [ 039497a1b7e0dbc762fbd389d8b1ac3215782758c753c521fc4e40914f8e14d5e8 ]",
"sequence" : 4294967295
"lock_time" : "0",
"outputs" :
"address" : "MFj3WGtCxWT2BJZSJUJ9N9A3hKqCoaehaX",
"attachment" :
"address" : "MFj3WGtCxWT2BJZSJUJ9N9A3hKqCoaehaX",
"from_did" : "",
"status" : "transfered",
"symbol" : "Alice@MIT",
"to_did" : "Bob",
"type" : "mit"
"index" : 0,
"locked_height_range" : 0,
"script" : "dup hash160 [ 55d73b3c20a6dd7391426624d4a7a697ed5c27cc ] equalverify checksig",
"value" : 0
"address" : "MH257NnjBJZNAy258c4bjVVkFB8phMFqtY",
"attachment" :
"type" : "etp"
"index" : 1,
"locked_height_range" : 0,
"script" : "dup hash160 [ 6407c4bae99d9784c60ab5c991fb3e7fe20ad647 ] equalverify checksig",
"value" : 299990000
"version" : "4"