

API Methods

  • getnewaccount

    Generate a new account from this wallet if account is specified.
    Generate a new address and private key if account is not specified.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -l or [--language] Options are ‘en’, ‘es’, ‘ja’, ‘zh_Hans’, ‘zh_Hant’ and ‘any’, defaults to ‘en’.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name, default “”.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization, default “”.
    • Returns
      Object -
    1. mnemonic - the master private key of your account
    2. default_address - address of the account
    • Example: generate a new account
      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getnewaccount",
      "params":["test", "123456", {"language": "en"}],"id":7}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 7,
      "result": {
      "name": "test",
      "mnemonic": "actor slam shove essence person between lucky harsh myself hole tomorrow sausage buddy young kitten motor traffic rare wisdom month payment drill vanish oval",
* Example: generate a new address and private key.
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getnewaccount",
"params":[{"language": "en"}],"id":7}'

// Response
"id" : 7,
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" :
"address" : "MLycTCqV9BiQrfnRPxi6AFBLC7m1cG6btQ",
"mnemonic" : "deal elite opinion exhaust shop usage habit hard muscle glimpse want matter brain shoot uncle insect corn glare depth asthma move input person pill",
"private_key" : "76fb26353250f00529c51362411a517b4d005d72fe33e5ccea28eaab3b33f8ac",
"public_key" : "03643ceeab22462641c5259bfcb7a7898b23b9fbbf5360eb35b3df86eba24522c9",
"wif" : "L1CzdkB3f2gRS2NtZUe2fGubzGMYZAWPqbyXNiKC7c9w9Z6F6gHC"

  • getnewaddress

    Generate new address for this account.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -n or [--number] The address count.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    • Returns
      Array - return a list of new address

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getnewaddress",
      "params":["test", "123456", {"number": 2}],"id":8}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 8,
      "result": [

  • listaddresses

    List available addresses of this account.

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    • Returns
      Array - return the list of generated address

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"listaddresses",
      "params":["test", "123456"],"id":11}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 11,
      "result": [

  • validateaddress

    validate address

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ADDRESS address
    • Returns
      Object -
    1. address_type - address type
    2. is_valid - the address is valid or not
    3. message - message like “valid address”
    4. testnet - if the address is in test-net
    • Example
      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"validateaddress",

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 16,
      "address_type" : "p2kh(test-net)",
      "is_valid" : true,
      "message" : "valid address ",
      "testnet" : true

  • importaccount


    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -i or [--hd_index] Teh HD index for the account.
    2. -l or [--language] The language identifier of the dictionary of the mnemonic. Options are ‘en’, ‘es’, ‘ja’, ‘zh_Hans’, ‘zh_Hant’ and ‘any’, defaults to ‘any’.
    3. -n or [--accountname] Account name.
    4. -p or [--password] Account password.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WORD The set of words that that make up the mnemonic. If not specified the words are read from STDIN.
    • Returns
      Object -
    1. name - account name.
    2. mnemonic - master private key
    3. addresses - address list
    • Example
      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"importaccount",
      "params":["mother ride despair impose degree truck pet scrub mind art brain galaxy sadness cover crater waste arrest invest hip crush loan brisk pave cheap",

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 9,
      "result": {
      "mnemonic": "mother ride despair impose degree truck pet scrub mind art brain galaxy sadness cover crater waste arrest invest hip crush loan brisk pave cheap",
      "addresses": [
      "name": "test"

  • importkeyfile

    import account from file

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization. This is also used to decrypt the keyfile.
    3. FILE key file path.
    4. FILECONTENT key file content. This will omit the FILE argument if specified.
    • Returns
      null -

    • Example

      // import key file by file path
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"importkeyfile",
      "params":["test", "123456", "~/.metaverse/mvs-test.json"],"id":10}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 10,
      "result": null

  • dumpkeyfile

    export account as file, file name is mvs_keystore_$accountname.json.

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization. This is also used to encrypt the keyfile.
    3. LASTWORD The last word of your master private-key phrase.
    4. DESTINATION account info storage file directory, optional, default to ~/.metaverse/mvs-htmls/keys/
    • Returns
      String -

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"dumpkeyfile",
      "params":["test", "123456", "lastword", "~/.metaverse/"],"id":4}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 4,
      "result": "~/.metaverse/mvs_keystore_test.json"

  • changepasswd


    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -p or [--password] New password/authorization.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    • Returns
      Object -
    1. name - account name
    2. status - operation status
    • Example
      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"changepasswd",
      "params":["test", "123456", {"password": "test123456"}],"id":1}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "test",
      "status": "changed successfully"

  • deleteaccount


    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    3. LASTWORD The last word of your private-key phrase.
    • Returns
      Object -
    1. name - account name
    2. status - operation status
    • Example
      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"deleteaccount",
      "params":["test", "123456", "lastword"],"id":2}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 2,
      "name": "test",
      "status": "removed successfully"

  • getaccount

    Show account details

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    3. LASTWORD The last word of your master private-key phrase.
    • Returns
      Object -
    1. name - account name
    2. mnemonic - master private key
    3. address_count - addresses created
    4. user_status - 0:locked, 2: normal
    • Example
      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getaccount",
      "params":["test", "123456", "lastword"],"id":5}'

      // Response
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id": 5,
      "result": {
      "name": "test",
      "mnemonic": "mother ride despair impose degree truck pet scrub mind art brain galaxy sadness cover crater waste arrest invest hip crush loan brisk pave cheap",
      "address_count": "2"

  • getpublickey

    Show public key of address
    If wallet version >= 0.9.0, the ADDRESS paramenter can be Did/Address/Publickey/PrivateKey(WIF).

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    3. ADDRESS Address.
    • Returns
      Object - string

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{

      // Response
      "id" : 5,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "address" : "MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj",
      "public_key" : "031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321"