

API Methods

  • getbalance

    Show total balance details of this account.

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    • Returns
      Object - balance summaries
    1. total-confirmed - total confirmed(unspent) etp amount
    2. total-received - total received etp amount
    3. total-unspent - total unspent etp amount
    4. total-available - total available etp amount
    5. total-frozen - total frozen etp amount
    • Example
      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "total-available" : 2000606696,
      "total-confirmed" : 2000606696,
      "total-frozen" : 0,
      "total-received" : 49291956690,
      "total-unspent" : 2000606696

  • listbalances

    List all balance details of each address of this account.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -d or [--deposited] List deposited ETPs, default is false.
    2. -g or [--greater_equal] Greater than ETP bits.
    3. -l or [--lesser_equal] Lesser than ETP bits.
    4. -n or [--nozero] List non-zero upsent records.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    • Returns
      Array - return balance of each address
    1. confirmed - the address confirmed(unspent) etp amount
    2. received - the address received etp amount
    3. unspent - the address unspent etp amount
    4. available - the address available etp amount
    5. frozen - the address frozen etp amount
    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "balances" :
      "balance" :
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "available" : 100646696,
      "confirmed" : 100646696,
      "frozen" : 0,
      "received" : 47391996691,
      "unspent" : 100646696
      "balance" :
      "address" : "tKc8dxEEj9cWr4Ys2oUbgQxGtRgUEg9e5q",
      "available" : 1899960000,
      "confirmed" : 1899960000,
      "frozen" : 0,
      "received" : 1899960000,
      "unspent" : 1899960000
      // Request for list deposited balances. Available for V0.8.2.
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "address" : "M9qeDursSJsxK9nHzTcRMnqpe78YXCKv48",
      "deposited_balance" : 300,
      "deposited_height" : 25200,
      "expiration_height" : 27227
      "address" : "M9L3ipy3Hcf6kdvknU3mH7mwH9ER3uCziu",
      "deposited_balance" : 300287670,
      "deposited_height" : 25200,
      "expiration_height" : 27031

  • deposit

    Deposit some etp, then get reward for frozen some etp.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -a or [--address] The deposit target address.
    2. -d or [--deposit] Deposits support [7, 30, 90, 182, 365] days. defaluts to 7 days
    3. -f or [--fee] The fee of tx. default_value 0.0001 etp
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    3. AMOUNT How many you will deposit.
    • Returns
      Object - deposit transaction to be send.

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{
      "address": "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "deposit": 7

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "transaction" :
      "hash" : "256d6699d7c5dcc4be0bc34c3cc9b4d9fb7c8c63f57d98ec46449adc0a336f09",
      "inputs" :
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "previous_output" :
      "hash" : "8e2dc008d39e1fd7ccea9c19fd2f72cc5d2c2d5d667de4cb86b5b86b7410848c",
      "index" : 0
      "script" : "[ 304402205eb1bb5ad9056c06db024bff142edca874dbaa6bcc88b74f22c290e078cf23b702200cf9201bca3c6055653a10e10bbe4d5c27b68f258e30a1d87591ceabcb86aa4401 ] [ 03b122b19d00981a2181ebabe58f1aae7d9ee245bf87a551e56ca5aea7f9b0ddfd ] [ 14 ]",
      "sequence" : 4294967295
      "lock_time" : "0",
      "outputs" :
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "attachment" :
      "type" : "etp"
      "index" : 0,
      "locked_height_range" : 10,
      "script" : "[ 0a ] numequalverify dup hash160 [ c9e5a7523f9f51858ad923995de69be769a2ed7d ] equalverify checksig",
      "value" : 10000
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "attachment" :
      "type" : "etp"
      "index" : 1,
      "locked_height_range" : 0,
      "script" : "dup hash160 [ c9e5a7523f9f51858ad923995de69be769a2ed7d ] equalverify checksig",
      "value" : 99980000
      "version" : "2"

  • send

    send etp to a targert address, mychange goes to another existed address of this account.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -f or [--fee] The fee of tx. default_value 0.0001 etp
    2. -m or [--memo] The memo to descript transaction
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    3. TOADDRESS Send to this address
    4. AMOUNT How many you will spend
    • Returns
      Object - return the transaction

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{

      // Response
      "id" : 125,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "transaction" :
      "hash" : "a40ab699fbb769f571c27995208f8a2e1c6e26095e119d6c59dc43dd7cefd3a8",
      "inputs" :
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "previous_output" :
      "hash" : "e6a464f8b505c57d67e0079138618241a80fe7f633a83b628f20e197d4fb3183",
      "index" : 1
      "script" : "[ 3045022100fdbd7c785d665516fc7066a845b7fcc9bae2a25545982b414036da148d28dc210220186ebcc78fdab96d579896ef8e990ebc0bae93241b42e6b1226cb4f904778ea401 ] [ 03b122b19d00981a2181ebabe58f1aae7d9ee245bf87a551e56ca5aea7f9b0ddfd ]",
      "sequence" : 4294967295
      "lock_time" : "0",
      "outputs" :
      "address" : "tTmxWoQ3PohHaPdndAGD89o9AhLcJ7L9TJ",
      "attachment" :
      "type" : "etp"
      "index" : 0,
      "locked_height_range" : 0,
      "script" : "dup hash160 [ e4b7fb501e2a43b670b3854b042ea24934942b2f ] equalverify checksig",
      "value" : 10000
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "attachment" :
      "type" : "etp"
      "index" : 1,
      "locked_height_range" : 0,
      "script" : "dup hash160 [ c9e5a7523f9f51858ad923995de69be769a2ed7d ] equalverify checksig",
      "value" : 356695
      "version" : "2"

  • sendfrom

    send etp from a specified address of this account to target address, mychange goes to from_address.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -f or [--fee] The fee of tx. default_value 0.0001 etp
    2. -m or [--memo] The memo to descript transaction
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    3. FROMADDRESS Send from this address
    4. TOADDRESS Send to this address
    5. AMOUNT How many you will spend
    • Returns
      Object - return the transaction

    • Example

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{

      // Response
      "id" : 125,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "transaction" :
      "hash" : "e6a464f8b505c57d67e0079138618241a80fe7f633a83b628f20e197d4fb3183",
      "inputs" :
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "previous_output" :
      "hash" : "30bff29ce81dac72ca8e91a4e278bcab6a713889f1c6593e37daf21736da4fa8",
      "index" : 1
      "script" : "[ 3045022100999a1b328128732c763e449f4fa167807c8c7b8607504c4f572246fab2debbf902203d76137cc87a9a688b266ec0b05912eabe4f089471ab22dfef0e247633e4d44501 ] [ 03b122b19d00981a2181ebabe58f1aae7d9ee245bf87a551e56ca5aea7f9b0ddfd ]",
      "sequence" : 4294967295
      "lock_time" : "0",
      "outputs" :
      "address" : "tTko1LmJMM4Y492xYWiacJ9pokxoG8FFjZ",
      "attachment" :
      "type" : "etp"
      "index" : 0,
      "locked_height_range" : 0,
      "script" : "dup hash160 [ e47fa100e48b4080dbe122ff402d5350cabe06fd ] equalverify checksig",
      "value" : 10000
      "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
      "attachment" :
      "type" : "etp"
      "index" : 1,
      "locked_height_range" : 0,
      "script" : "dup hash160 [ c9e5a7523f9f51858ad923995de69be769a2ed7d ] equalverify checksig",
      "value" : 376695
      "version" : "2"

  • sendmore

    send etp to multi target addresses, must specify mychange address.

    • Parameters (optional)
    1. -f or [--fee] The fee of tx. default_value 0.0001 etp
    2. -m or [--mychange] Mychange to this address
    3. -r or [--receivers] Send to [address:amount]
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ACCOUNTNAME Account name.
    2. ACCOUNTAUTH Account password/authorization.
    • Returns
      Object - return the transaction

    • Example

  • sendmore to one receiver

    //example of sending to only one receiver.
    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{
    "mychange": "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y"

    // Response
    "id" : 125,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "transaction" :
    "hash" : "0f37cbe6f0c31548655d7ebda6d576ffd9f3facddfaf4a3be0126ef613f25155",
    "inputs" :
    "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
    "previous_output" :
    "hash" : "a40ab699fbb769f571c27995208f8a2e1c6e26095e119d6c59dc43dd7cefd3a8",
    "index" : 1
    "script" : "[ 3045022100e234a13e5d8e8b39774f8065c6994c0974b7f619cfaf8b77a7a9493fc8f93b3d022010c7c592ba1d37688b989d8ed1baa0b5a19b7a9ab2f65228ffe5b94b03e7557e01 ] [ 03b122b19d00981a2181ebabe58f1aae7d9ee245bf87a551e56ca5aea7f9b0ddfd ]",
    "sequence" : 4294967295
    "lock_time" : "0",
    "outputs" :
    "address" : "tTmxWoQ3PohHaPdndAGD89o9AhLcJ7L9TJ",
    "attachment" :
    "type" : "etp"
    "index" : 0,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ e4b7fb501e2a43b670b3854b042ea24934942b2f ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 10000
    "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
    "attachment" :
    "type" : "etp"
    "index" : 1,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ c9e5a7523f9f51858ad923995de69be769a2ed7d ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 336695
    "version" : "2"
  • sendmore to multiple receivers

    //example of sending to multiple receivers.
    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{
    "mychange": "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y"

    // Response
    "id" : 125,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "transaction" :
    "hash" : "8294ae20bbcc00f07ff20d5e2e01653b55592528705b4a40d3f88f856590cf62",
    "inputs" :
    "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
    "previous_output" :
    "hash" : "0f37cbe6f0c31548655d7ebda6d576ffd9f3facddfaf4a3be0126ef613f25155",
    "index" : 1
    "script" : "[ 304402200a6540d1f9eea2682e326a8da6a733f0d49dda718a126e28edc6e1283a1d172d02207c7b31a8e317756920647b0ab5fc8fe3723ecefd11b70bec533f3a03ee67635801 ] [ 03b122b19d00981a2181ebabe58f1aae7d9ee245bf87a551e56ca5aea7f9b0ddfd ]",
    "sequence" : 4294967295
    "lock_time" : "0",
    "outputs" :
    "address" : "tTmxWoQ3PohHaPdndAGD89o9AhLcJ7L9TJ",
    "attachment" :
    "type" : "etp"
    "index" : 0,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ e4b7fb501e2a43b670b3854b042ea24934942b2f ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 10000
    "address" : "tEjJGzM6LB5zsK6aX8urD9RF5pAAJyrodC",
    "attachment" :
    "type" : "etp"
    "index" : 1,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ 559d9851e62cfe1c05174958ca493aab96523fae ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 10000
    "address" : "tRL8yxhSd3AAxpRcbxmEasv89VZ7ZJgh3y",
    "attachment" :
    "type" : "etp"
    "index" : 2,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ c9e5a7523f9f51858ad923995de69be769a2ed7d ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 306695
    "version" : "2"