DID Micro Service


DID micro service provides API for exchanges to allow their customers to register DID and bind DID to customer’s wallet.

Exchanges can implement the same feature according to this documemt.

Related MVS commands:


For details of these command, please refer to API Document

User Case

In the following user case, two actors are involed exchange and user Alice

User requests registering an DID

Alice request registering an DID named Alias@Alice on exchange’s website or app.

Exchange registers DID

Exchange generates a new address by getnewaddress and registers DID named Alias@Alice to it.

User binds DID to user’s wallet

  1. Generate multi-signature address
    Exchange and Alice get public-key of an address of their account by getpublickey. Exchange and Alice swap the public-keys and generate multi-signature addresses by getnewmultisig with the public-keys and parameter m:n valued 1:2.

  2. Exchange transfers DID to the multi-signature address
    Exchange creates a transcation by didchangeaddress to transfer DID named Alias@Alice to the multi-signature address. Exchange broadcasts the transcation by sendrawtx.

  3. User transfers DID from the multi-signature address to wallet
    Alice creates a transcation by didchangeaddress to transfer DID named Alias@Alice from the multi-signature address. Alice broadcasts the transcation by sendrawtx.

  4. Confirmation
    Alice confirms the result by getdid.

DID micro service

DID micro service provides API for exchanges to process the business logics above.

  1. Exchange registers DID
    Exchange generates a new address by getnewaddress and registers DID to it. Exchange saves user’s account ID, DID name and address by micro service api savedid.

  2. Exchange generates a multi-signature address
    Exchange queries DID name and address with user’s account ID by micro service api querydid when user requests binding DID to user’s wallet. Exchange gets the public key of DID address by getpublickey. After exchange and user swaps their public-keys, exchange generates a multi-signature addresses by getnewmultisig.

  3. Exchange tansfers DID to the multi-signature address
    Exchange creates a transcation by didchangeaddress to transfer DID to the multi-signature address. Exchange broadcasts the transcation by sendrawtx.


User requests registering an DID

Alice request registering an DID named Alias@Alice on exchange’s website or app.

Exchange registers DID

  1. Exchange generates a new address MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj by getnewaddress.

    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{
    "number": 1

    // Response
    "id" : 8,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "addresses" :
  2. Exchange sends 100000000 satoshi(1 ETP) to the new address as fee of registering DID.

    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{

    // Response
    // omit...
  3. Exchange registers DID named Alias@Alice to the new address by registerdid.

    // Request
    curl -X POST -d '{

    // Response
    "id" : 25,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "transaction" :
    "hash" : "c350ab69320dc07f7157ae53f82b12c0a0fabafd0c9a381591de22cd24401b7f",
    "inputs" :
    "address" : "MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj",
    "previous_output" :
    "hash" : "9a3e19510089fdc14dd3f0a5e8d252b9271dddfbc41651936bac6c406b8ad15c",
    "index" : 0
    "script" : "[ 304402205f2b347ded297c384f4b28187d41abafd46f254fbac18f856d5e7337f8e83ef202206775b25a9f5820689dae59df0789e7fd5787a68238914e0ac70504d47e1ad0ba01 ] [ 031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321 ]",
    "sequence" : 4294967295
    "lock_time" : "0",
    "outputs" :
    "address" : "MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj",
    "attachment" :
    "address" : "MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj",
    "symbol" : "Alias@Alice",
    "type" : "did-register"
    "index" : 0,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ 89d56e08bdbcfe40eb7f3b34fe21253669c828b1 ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 0
    "address" : "MGqHvbaH9wzdr6oUDFz4S1HptjoKQcjRve",
    "attachment" :
    "type" : "etp"
    "index" : 1,
    "locked_height_range" : 0,
    "script" : "dup hash160 [ 61fde3bd4e6955c99b16de2d71e2a369888a1c0b ] equalverify checksig",
    "value" : 80000000
    "version" : "4"
  4. Exchange saves user’s account ID, DID name and address by micro service api savedid.

User transfers DID to wallet

  1. Exchange queries DID Alias@Alice and address MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj with user’s account ID by micro service api querydid when user requests binding DID to user’s wallet.

  2. Exchange gets the public-key 031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321 of address MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj by getpublickey. Exchange displays the public-key to Alice and Alice records it to generate a multi-signature address later.

    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{

    // Response
    "id" : 5,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "address" : "MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj",
    "public-key" : "031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321"
  3. Alice gets the public-key 0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a of address that DID binds to by getpublickey. Alice commits this public-key to exchange.

    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{

    // Response
    "id" : 5,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "address" : "MSqhPipeAZ1Ua9GfNbBi65RPdT7x4iHvwF",
    "public-key" : "0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a"
  4. Generate multi-signature address
    Now, both exchange and Alice have enough information to generate multi-signature address. They generate the same multi-signature address by getnewmultisig with public-keys and parament m:n valued 1:2.

    • Exchange generates a multi-signature address 35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF:

      curl -X POST --data '{
      "publickey": [
      "selfpublickey": "031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321",
      "signaturenum": 1,
      "publickeynum": 2

      // Response
      "id" : 7,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "address" : "35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF",
      "description" : "",
      "index" : 1,
      "m" : 1,
      "multisig-script" : "1 [ 031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321 ] [ 0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a ] 2 checkmultisig",
      "n" : 2,
      "public-keys" :
      "self-publickey" : "031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321"
    • Alice generates a multi-signature address 35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF:

      curl -X POST --data '{
      "publickey": [
      "selfpublickey": "0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a",
      "signaturenum": 1,
      "publickeynum": 2

      // Response
      "id" : 7,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "address" : "35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF",
      "description" : "",
      "index" : 1,
      "m" : 1,
      "multisig-script" : "1 [ 031c7ac7f12a05ea4952289801fa52142aa421f11efe8ab7090fb823562156a321 ] [ 0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a ] 2 checkmultisig",
      "n" : 2,
      "public-keys" :
      "self-publickey" : "0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a"
  5. Exchange transfers DID to the multi-signature address

    • Exchange sends 10000 satoshi(0.0001 ETP) to the multi-signature address as fee of transfering DID later.

      // Request
      curl -X POST --data '{

      // Response
      // 略...
    • Exchange creates a transcation by didchangeaddress to transfer DID Alias@Alice to the multi-signature address 35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF. Exchange broadcasts the transcation by sendrawtx.

    • Exchange creates a transcation:

      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" : "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"
    • Exchange broadcasts the transcation:

      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "hash" : "a981e820071c852710c05bdb70ec2da0da0d877575947aedbcf3ff1d3b7f56c9"
  6. Alice transfers DID from the multi-signature address
    Alice creates a transcation by didchangeaddress to transfer DID Alias@Alice from the multi-signature address 35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF. Alice broadcasts the transcation by sendrawtx.

    • Alice creates a transcation:

      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" : "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"
    • Alice broadcasts the transcation:

      // Request
      curl -X POST -d '{

      // Response
      "id" : 25,
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "result" :
      "hash" : "efbd03e1e25fb7b5a4b153bda5f7fe34bc1a8028f751ee14c93d3a398fa71d8d"
  7. Confirmation
    Alice confirms the result by getdid.

    // Request
    curl -X POST --data '{

    // Response
    "id" : 42,
    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" :
    "addresses" :
    "address" : "MSqhPipeAZ1Ua9GfNbBi65RPdT7x4iHvwF",
    "status" : "current"
    "address" : "35ZW2TFThaK96DzwRwrfq5SRH2u7zfKTCF",
    "status" : "history"
    "address" : "MLTxV5JAu5sFhQmJYNRmPuu31CkNWrF5rj",
    "status" : "history"
    "did" : "Alias@Alice"

Implementation with mvs_rpc_python

Please refer to exchange_register_avatar.

  • Key code.

    account_name = 'Exchange'       # account name of exchange
    account_pwd = 'exchangepwd' # password of account

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Exchange register evatar example')

    # register DID

    # get DID from user
    did = input('Please input the name of DID:')
    print('user want to register DID: {}'.format(did))

    # generate new address
    address = generate_new_address(account_name, account_pwd)
    if None == address:
    print('Failed to generate new address')
    print("generate a new address: {}".format(address))

    # send 1 ETP to the new address
    errmsg = send_etp(account_name, account_pwd, address, 100000000)
    if None != errmsg:
    print("Failed to send ETP to {}. error: {}".format(address, errmsg))

    # register DID to the new address
    errmsg = register_did(account_name, account_pwd, address, did)
    if None != errmsg:
    print("Failed to register DID {} to {}. error: {}".format(did, address, errmsg))

    if wait_mining(did, lambda x : get_did(x) == None):

    print("** Successfully registered did {} to {}\n".format(did, address))

    # transfer DID

    # get public key from user
    user_public_key = input("Please input user's public key:")
    print("User's public key: {}".format(user_public_key))

    # get public key of the new address
    self_public_key = get_public_key(account_name, account_pwd, address)
    if None == address:
    print('Failed to get public key from address {}'.format(address))
    print("the public key of the address: {}".format(self_public_key))

    # generate multisig address
    multisig_address = generate_multisig_address(
    account_name, account_pwd, self_public_key, user_public_key)
    if None == multisig_address:
    print('Failed to generate multisig address {}'.format(address))
    print("generate a multisig address: {}".format(multisig_address))

    # send 0.0001 ETP to the multisig address
    print("sending etp to multisig address")
    errmsg = send_etp(account_name, account_pwd, multisig_address, 10000)
    if None != errmsg:
    print("Failed to send ETP to {}. error: {}".format(address, errmsg))

    if wait_mining(multisig_address, lambda x : get_etp(multisig_address) == 0):

    # transfer DID to the multisig address
    print("transfering did to multisig address")
    rawtx = transfer_did(account_name, account_pwd, multisig_address, did)
    if None == rawtx:
    print("Failed to transfer DID {} to {}.\nerror: {}".format(did, multisig_address, errmsg))

    errmsg = broadcast_rawtx(rawtx)
    if None != errmsg:
    print("Failed to broadcast rawtx {}. error: {}".format(rawtx, errmsg))

    if wait_mining([did, multisig_address], lambda x : get_did(x[0])[0]['address'] != x[1]):

    print("** Successfully transfered did {} to {}".format(did, multisig_address))
  • Demo:

    Exchange register evatar example
    Please input the name of DID:'avatar01@Alice'
    user want to register DID: avatar01@Alice
    generate a new address: MUfeU351P7ipuUFJcotzQzDesKHHpuiFpA
    wait for miner to package
    ** Successfully registered did avatar01@Alice to MUfeU351P7ipuUFJcotzQzDesKHHpuiFpA

    Please input user's public key:"0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a"
    User's public key: 0344befcd59670651a6441c00ef26caa104bab8ff9e5ec3f6e9b65bac9194cad0a
    the public key of the address: 034354fb24938a6b061341e9fdae6b35e3391958c52dccdfc27213ae3ae68288b7
    generate a multisig address: 3H62VSQPshYgxmDqCUbyZcaPCenLfJQrUH
    sending etp to multisig address
    wait for miner to package
    transfering did to multisig address
    wait for miner to package
    ** Successfully transfered did avatar01@Alice to 3H62VSQPshYgxmDqCUbyZcaPCenLfJQrUH